MG 3.6 crossover plots
Work done by
Martin Leach.

generic Maggie 2 way crossover in Excel format.
MG 10.1 crossover in Excel format.
MG 12 crossover in Excel format & another model that includes acoustic response.
MG 1.6 crossover in Excel format
from Mart. New version includes tweeter's Q & fs in classic acoustic response perported to be 4 & 600Hz,respectively. Then, an active 2nd-order active XO was added to supplement the passive XO as a means to bring the woofer back in absolute phase. Finally, I have a solely active XO illustrated.
MG 2.6 crossover in Excel format.
MG 2.7 crossover in Excel format. New version includes tweeter's Q & fs in classic acoustic response.
MG III-a crossover in Excel format, & an acoustic version, or stranger's modified verion, or a DIY assisted version
MG 3.5 crossover in Excel format.
MG 3.6 crossover in Excel format. New version with panel fs & Qts to match published response curves.
MG 3.7 crossover in Excel format with panel fs & Qts of aforementioned predecessor.
MG-20.1 crossover in Excel format. New version with panel fs & Qts to match published response curves.
classic LRC model of a speaker cable & Zobels in Excel format.
electrical analysis of a DiAural XO in Excel format.
electrical analysis of a Series XO in Excel format.
acoustical analysis of a conventional magneto-dynamic 3-way in Excel format.
attenuation analysis of a series resistor or L-Pad in Excel format.
bipolar/dipolar analysis of backwave reflection in Excel format.
acedemic far-field analysis of flat driver's dispersion in Excel format.
parafeed tube amplifier electronic analysis & calculator(s) in Excel format.
to recompute new numbers, go into Excel's toolbar ( -> Tools -> AddIns ... -> Analysis ToolPak ) to engage complex mathematical subroutines.