Magnepan 3.6R System
Technics 1200M3D
KAB tonearm
Denon DL-160 Phono Cartridge
4-inch thick Mapleshade Block
Graham Slee Reflex Phono Stage
Sony CD Recorder/Player
TEAC 2300SX Reel to Reel Tape Deck
Musical Fidelity A5 integrated-amp
Kimber Cable
Magnepan 3.6R
MYE Stands
Samsung 1080P 56-inch DLP TV
Oppo DV-980H DVD-SACD-DVD-Audio Player
Pioneer 79AVI DVD/CD/SACD/DVD-A player with Upconversion
Toshiba DVD Player/Recorder with hard disk
Pioneer Elite VSX-94 TXH Receiver
Magnepan CC3 Center Channel
Energy Veritas 2.3
Energy Veritas 2.2
Accoustical Ceiling Tile
4" Insulation in walls & ceilings