• return

    AudioAsylum supported
    encoded Characters
    for posting inside messages




    &#177 &plusmn plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign


    &#188 &frac14 vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter


    &#189 &frac12 vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half


    &#190 &frac34 vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters

    &#8531 vulgar fraction one third = fraction one third

    &#8532 vulgar fraction two thirds = fraction two thirds

    &#8539 vulgar fraction one eighth = fraction one eighth

    &#8540 vulgar fraction three eighths = fraction three eighths

    &#8541 vulgar fraction five eighths = fraction five eighths

    &#8542 vulgar fraction seven eighths = fraction seven eighths


    &#215 &times multiplication sign

    &#8722 &minus minus sign


    &#247 &divide division sign

    &#8260 &frasl fraction slash

    &#8730 &radic square root = radical sign

    &#8240 &permil per mille sign

    &#8242 &prime prime = minutes = feet

    &#8243 &Prime double prime = seconds = inches


    &#176 &deg degree sign


    &#181 &micro micro sign

    &#8733 &prop proportional to

    &#8764 &sim tilde operator = varies with = similar to
    tilde operator is NOT the same character as the tilde, U+007E, although the same glyph might be used to represent both

    &#8776 &asymp almost equal to = asymptotic to

    &#8800 &ne not equal to

    &#8801 &equiv identical to

    &#8804 &le less-than or equal to

    &#8805 &ge greater-than or equal to

    &#8806 less-than or equal to

    &#8807 greater-than or equal to


    &#60 &lt less-than sign


    &#62 &gt greater-than sign

    &#8810 much less-than sign

    &#8811 much greater-than sign


    &#170 &ordf feminine ordinal indicator


    &#176 &ordm masculine ordinal indicator

    &#8319 to the Nth power


    &#186 &ordm masculine ordinal indicator


    &#185 &sup1 superscript one = superscript digit one


    &#178 &sup2 superscript two = superscript digit two = squared


    &#179 &sup3 superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed

    &#8321 subscript one = subscript digit one

    &#8322 subscript two = subscript digit two

    &#8323 subscript three = subscript digit three

    &#8324 subscript four = subscript digit four

    &#8734 &infin infinity

    &#8736 &ang angle

    &#8814 angle

    &#8815 angle

    &#8895 right triangle

    &#8869 &perp up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular

    &#8704 &forall for all

    &#8741 parallel

    &#8706 &part partial differential

    &#8711 &nabla nabla = backward difference

    &#8747 &int integral

    &#8748 double integral

    &#8750 contour integral

    &#8719 &prod n-ary product = product sign
    prod is NOT the same character as U+03A0 'greek capital letter pi' though the same glyph might be used for both

    &#8721 &sum n-ary sumation
    sum is NOT the same character as U+03A3 'greek capital letter sigma' though the same glyph might be used for both

    &#8756 &there4 therefore

    &#8707 &exist there exists

    &#8712 &isin element of

    &#8715 &ni contains as member

    &#8743 &and logical and = wedge

    &#8744 &or logical or = vee

    &#8745 &cap intersection = cap

    &#8746 &cup union = cup

    &#8834 &sub subset of

    &#8835 &sup superset of
    note that nsup, 'not a superset of, U+2283' is not covered by the Symbol font encoding and is not included. Should it be, for symmetry? It is in ISOamsn

    &#8838 &sube subset of or equal to

    &#8839 &supe superset of or equal to


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