• latin letters
  • greek letters
  • mathematical symbols
  • engineering units

    AudioAsylum supported
    encoded Characters
    for posting inside messages




    &#34 &quot quotation mark = APL quote

    &#8216 &lsquo left single quotation mark

    &#8217 &rsquo right single quotation mark

    &#8218 &sbquo single low-9 quotation mark

    &#8220 &ldquo left double quotation mark

    &#8221 &rdquo right double quotation mark

    &#8222 &bdquo double low-9 quotation mark

    &#8230 &hellip horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader

    &#8224 &dagger dagger

    &#8225 &Dagger double dagger


    &#160 &nbsp no-break space = non-breaking space


    &#38 &amp ampersand

    &#8252 double exclamation mark


    &#161 &iexcl inverted exclamation mark


    &#191 &iquest inverted question mark = turned question mark

    &#8453 in care of

    &#8470 numero sign

    &#182 &para pilcrow sign = paragraph sign


    &#166 &brvbar broken bar = broken vertical bar


    &#167 &sect section sign


    &#168 &uml diaeresis = spacing diaeresis


    &#169 &copy copyright sign

    &#8482 &trade trade mark sign


    &#174 &reg registered sign = registered trade mark sign


    &#172 &not not sign


    &#173 &shy soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen


    &#175 &macr macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar


    &#180 &acute acute accent = spacing acute


    &#183 &middot middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot


    &#184 &cedil cedilla = spacing cedilla


    &#710 &circ modifier letter circumflex accent


    &#732 &tilde small tilde

    &#8249 &lsaquo single left-pointing angle quotation mark
    lsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardized

    &#8250 &rsaquo single right-pointing angle quotation mark
    rsaquo is proposed but not yet ISO standardized


    &#171 &laquo left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet


    &#187 &raquo right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet



    &#162 &cent cent sign


    &#163 &pound pound sign


    &#164 &curren currency sign


    &#165 &yen yen sign = yuan sign

    &#8364 &euro euro sign

    &#8355 franc sign

    &#8356 lira sign

    &#8359 peseta sign

    &#8362 sheqel sign


    &#8254 &oline overline = spacing overscore

    &#8204 &zwnj zero width non-joiner

    &#8205 &zwj zero width joiner

    &#8211 &ndash en dash

    &#8212 &mdash em dash

    &#8226 &bull bullet = black small circle
    bullet is NOT the same as bullet operator

    &#8853 &oplus circled plus = direct sum

    &#8592 &larr leftwards arrow

    &#8593 &uarr upwards arrow

    &#8594 &rarr rightwards arrow

    &#8595 &darr downwards arrow

    &#8596 &harr left right arrow

    &#8658 &rArr rightwards double arrow
    Unicode does not say this is the 'implies' character but does not have another character with this function so ? rArr can be used for 'implies' as ISOtech suggests

    &#8660 &hArr left right double arrow

    &#9650 upwards filled triangle

    &#9660 downwards filled triangle

    &#9658 rightwards filled triangle

    &#9668 leftwards filled triangle

    &#9674 &loz lozenge

    &#9824 &spades black spade suit
    black here seems to mean filled as opposed to hollow

    &#9827 &clubs black club suit = shamrock

    &#9829 &hearts black heart suit = valentine

    &#9830 &diams black diamond suit

    &#9792 masculine gender symbol

    &#9794 feminine gender symbol

    &#9786 caucasian smilie face

    &#9787 non-caucasian smilie face

    &#9788 sun with rays

    &#9742 black telephone

    &#9743 white telephone

    &#9756 hand pointing left

    &#9758 hand pointing right


    &#9833 single quarter note

    &#9834 single eighth note

    &#9835 tied double eighth notes

    &#9836 tied double sixteenth notes

    &#9837 flat

    &#9839 sharp


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